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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Happy Welcoming Ramadan 1432 H


For all Muslims around the world, Happy welcoming Ramadan 1432 H!
Let’s forgive and ask for forgiven each other.
Wish this Ramadan lead us to a higher quality of personality and life.

Fajri Umami

PS: If there’s something you can’t forgive (my mistakes), please send me PM.

The Almost Forgotten One

1:28:09 AM
Aktivitas seharian kemarin membuat saya lemas (lagi puasa, nggak sempat sahur, in take 0!) dan akhirnya tertidur pulas di ruang keluarga waktu lagi nonton Islam KTP habis memasang horden yang baru dicuci mama. Berhubung dibangunin untuk pindah ke kamar, saya pun terbangun, merasakan pegal di bagian lutut yang membutuhkan kehangatan dari balsam super panas yang tidak saya sukai, dan akhirnya tidak bisa tidur.

Hmm… begadang kali ini dirasa kurang pas untuk ngerjain tugas. Wanna something enjoyable. Yah, waktunya cek inbox (yang sejak beberapa hari lalu ditangguhnya untuk message yang terlalu panjang dan tidak terlalu urgent). Oops, ternyata ada yang curhat colongan (tapi waktu itu nggak ditanggapi karena message-nya nggak dibaca tuntas, jadinya saya nggak tahu kalau ada yang lagi butuh teman sharing. Sorry, I wasn’t there for you, friend. I’ve been out of order in recent days coz of my own to-dos). Ada juga message tanpa ID dari nomor tak dikenal dengan maksud pesan yang nggak dimengerti (tapi saya pun sedang tidak berniat untuk mempertanyakannya saat ini). Lainnya, ucapan Happy welcoming Ramadan. Wait! Ada 1 message yang hampir terlewatkan.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Gratitude" Coin for This Morn'

Now I know how happiness sheds someone’s tear which deeply feels much pleasant (happy to cry).

Now I feel a “thank you” is not enough to show how great a gratitude I have deep inside. I don’t know how to show it wholly and clearly. Hmpp… how glad I am, knowing God has taught us how to do it. Alhamdulillaahi rabbil’alamiin (praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds.

Gratitude. That’s how I call the coin (coins of life) I’ve just got this morning. I feel like having stepped up the stair. What I learned this morning is that no matter how tiny a miracle (luck) is, that is a miracle as it is. Miracle (luck) is a blessing from God that I have to be grateful for, not a trifle which I used to respond by a simple “owh” (flat expression, not consider important). I regret for my “owhs”. Now I know how great every tiny miracle is (this tiny miracle has made me happy to cry), and it’s too good to respond just by an “owh”.

Thanks, God, for the coin. Alhamdulillah.

White Lies

When somebody lies you doesn’t always mean he wants to hurt you though you feel it (hurt) true. Maybe he just wants to make you happy, favor your flavor, and keep you away from hurt. Maybe he’d tried hard, but still got no fine way tell you. He lies not because he wants to hurt you, but he does care about you instead. That’s what people call white lie. And it sometimes happens in family.
taken from:
This topic came across my mind after watching Everybody’s Fine (2009). Yeah, we can’t deny that white lies sometimes exist in family. Before talking further about why people tell white lies, what a white lie anyway? 

Friday, July 29, 2011

Hitam Putih

taken from:

Setelah menyelesaikan logic problem brain teaser tentang Honestants and Swindlecants dan Lion and Unicorn, saya jadi teringat sebuah ungkapan klise “mana ada maling yang ngaku (maling)” –biasanya akan disambung dengan kalimat “kalo maling ngaku, penjara bisa penuh”. Kalimat tersebut seolah claim dirinya sebagai kebenaran mutlak. Maling tidak akan pernah mengatakan bahwa dirinya maling. Jika ada yang mengaku maling, maka dia bukan maling. Nah lo, benar nggak sih?

Jika mengacu pada konsep klise tersebut dan menggunakan prinsip logika sederhana, maka jawabannya benar. Dalam sebuah teka-teki, clue yang sederhana membantu kita untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan dengan lebih mudah. Masalahnya, dalam kehidupan real, apakah memang sesederhana itu?

Bohong atau Jujur Nih?
Saat memecahkan In the Court of Law, saya belajar bahwa orang yang tidak bersalah akan mengajukan pembelaan diri berdasarkan kebenaran yang diyakininya untuk mendukung ketidakbersalahan (innocence) dirinya. Akan tetapi, orang yang salah pun akan melakukan hal yang tampak serupa –mengajukan pembelaan agar tampak tidak bersalah. Jika kita dihadapkan pada kedua orang tersebut, apakah kita benar-benar bisa membedakannya?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I Can See A Rainbow

No matter how perfect a plan designed, no one can guarantee it would be totally realized. If everything’s running well, it's a luck, then be thankful. But if your steps are hampered, that’s a bad luck. Is that right? Then who’s to blame?

A Nice Starting Point
Everything’s already set up. Though I couldn’t deny the fear of failure inside, but ignored it then. I knew that success and failure were always on the same box of possibility. When I made the first step, I saw that it’s not as frightening as I’ve thought before. I was ready for the next step.

I thought I was so lucky for my accelerated running speed (compared to other friends). It did not take so long for me to start it. Being full of confidence, I told myself that I could get through it all well. That's not an arrogance or over confidence, but an optimism I should keep in mind. However, a nice starting point boosted extra energy for heading up the next steps.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Selective Mutism

Have you ever found a kid whom spoke only at certain place/setting and became mute in other places/settings? Or a kid in a kindergarten whom tent to mute while you knew exactly that he wasn’t deaf nor dumb? It could be selective mutism. Have you ever heard about it? To help you understanding selective mutism, here I share information I got about it. Let’s check this out!

What is Selective Mutism?
Selective mutism is a condition in which a child who can speak well stops speaking, usually in school or social settings.

How Common is Selective Mutism?
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR), selective mutism is an apparently rare disorder that affects fewer than 1% of individuals seen in mental health settings.

How Many Types of Selective Mutism?
Previous research have identified different types of selective mutism and grouped them into four categories:

Sunday, July 24, 2011

It’s Okay If You Say “No”

Everyone wants their requests accepted. Everyone wants their wish comes true. But, does everyone have a big heart for a refusal? Does everyone feel okay for a “no” answer?
taken from
When I was too young, I used to be mad when mommy said “no” for my request. I wanted a new school bag like my friend had, but mom said “no”. She said my old school bag was still fine and no tears. But I thought it was old-fashioned and I wanted a new one. I was angry at mom coz I thought she not want me happy, she not want me be and have like other girls. I was jealous of those girls.

Now, when I see nowadays mommies, I see them fulfill anything their children want. They buy them expensive toys, update gadgets, grant their every wish, but I no longer feel jealous of those children coz I’ve got “no” which have taught me that “no” not always bad and “yes” not always good.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Loretta Claiborne Story

What an inspiring story about a never-give-up fighting of a woman with all lacks and potentials she had. Loretta Claiborne was a mentally retarded woman who garnered numerous awards throughout her lifetime. When she was a child, she was nobody, even she couldn’t talk. She used to be mocked at school because of her oddity. But her life had changed since a dedicated social worker inspired her to remarkable heights while overcoming all odds. Now she’s a champhionship athlete and dedicated advocate for the physically challenged that Los Angeles Daily News applauds as “a smart and moving tribute”.

Friday, July 22, 2011

I Love Today for (at Least) 6 Reasons

“I love today because of at least 6 reasons,” that’s my closing words for yesterday. What a beautiful words. And it came across my mind after my friend’s too-late what’s-up-call.

Yesterday at 11.01 p.m. I had been sleeping. It was a tiring day for me. Physically and mentally drained. But, I still had to stay up all night for unfinished to-dos. I needed such a sound sleep to recharge my energy and refresh my mind. So I thought it’s okay if I continued my to-dos tomorrow. Time to sleep! Cheerio (+.+).

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I'm Growing

My life isn’t only about me as an individual, but also about me as a part of a community.

Everyone’s growing. I know that. But I’m much surprised realizing my self’s growing this far. I’m no longer a little daddy girl who used to cry whenever I fell (though I got no injured! Whadda crybaby girl), but already became a lady. And a lady must be not tough (bye bye crybaby girl!). 

One thing I must realize is that I can't think about me only (anymore), but have to think about others family, friends, and whoever relates to me.

Ready Kids from the Federal Emergency Management Agency - FEMA

Be Prepared in Every Situation

Are you ready to put your planning skills to good use? Are you ready to help your family get prepared for the unexpected? Your family can use this Web site to create a plan that will help you be ready for many different kinds of unexpected situations!

You're already a great planner! Every day you get your homework done, get to music or sports practice on time, and plan where and when you'll meet up with friends. But how do you get prepared for emergencies?

It's simple! It just takes planning and practice, and these fun activities from Ready Kids can help!

Click on these easy steps, talk to your family, and make a plan and put it in a safe place. When you're all through, you'll be ready to graduate from Readiness U! - Main Page

It's a nice website for kids. is a safe place where kids can create, share, and learn. Just click on this link - Main Page!

Can't be Disappointed

“No one can disappoint me,
coz I don’t put a high expectation on anyone.”
-Fajri Umami-

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

In the Court of Law #3 (Solution)

How? Have you got the answer? Let’s compare with mine!

In this complex situation, we must convince the court that we didn’t commit the crime, no matter whether we were a truth teller, liar, or normal. So, we have to make a statement which proves it.

“A truth teller didn’t commit the crime” –it prove it if only we were a truth teller or a liar, just like explanation in previous cases.

But, what if we were normal? Can it prove, too? Let’s check it!

No matter whether we’re a truth teller or a liar, it can prove. What about normal? Normal means that we can reverse whenever we want. In other words, we could be a truth teller or liar. It’s similar to our first-two conditions (true truth teller or true liar). Means, it can prove, too.

So, a sentence which can prove our innocent is “A truth teller didn’t commit the crime.”

P.S.: This brain teaser I copied from Brain Teasers ( Just on click on that link, then you’ll get more brain teasers to tease your brain or even just to ease your boring day. When you get stuck, you can visit brain teasers forum to get extra “clues” from them whom have tried to solve it (but for me, it’s better to do it by myself as I did in solving this quiz).

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

In the Court of Law #3

This another case. Let's check it out!

this pic was taken from
You live on an island where there are only two kinds of people: the ones who always tell the truth (truth tellers) and those who always lie (liars).

You are accused of crime and brought before the court, where you are allowed to speak only one sentence in your defense. What do you say in each of the following situations?
If you were a liar (the court does not know that) and you were innocent. And it is an established fact that a liar committed the crime.

Monday, July 18, 2011

In the Court of Law #2 (Solution)

Have you got your answer? Let’s compare with mine!
this pic taken from

A man accused of a crime, hired an attorney whose statements were always admitted by the court as undisputable truth. The following exchange took place in court.
Prosecutor: “If the accused committed the crime, he had an accomplice.”
Defender: “That is not true!”
Did the attorney help his client?

I Promise Myself

I promise myself, for this day on, I won’t walk away and leave things unfinished.”
-Fajri Umami-

Sunday, July 17, 2011

In the Court of Law #2

New case!

this pic was taken from
A man accused of a crime, hired an attorney whose statements were always admitted by the court as undisputable truth. The following exchange took place in court.

Prosecutor: “If the accused committed the crime, he had an accomplice.”
Defender: “That is not true!”
Did the attorney help his client?

P.S.: This brain teaser I copied from Brain Teasers ( Just on click on that link, then you’ll get more brain teasers to tease your brain or even just to ease your boring day. When you get stuck, you can visit brain teasers forum to get extra “clues” from them whom have tried to solve it (but for me, it’s better to do it by myself as I did in solving this quiz).

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Life is About Learning

We'll never know anything until we learned about it.
We'll never be able to do anything until we learned it.
It's okay if you don't know nor aren't be able to do something now,
 'cause there always be a chance to learn it.
Life is about how we learn to live.
Life is about learning.

-Fajri Umami-

In the Court of Law #1 (Solution)

Have you got the answer? Let’s compare with mine!
this pic was taken from

A prisoner at the bar was allowed to say one sentence to defend himself. After a while he said, “A swindlecant committed the crime.” Did it rescue him?

One thing that could rescue the prisoner is if he could convince that he did not commit the crime. He said that a swindlecant committed the crime (or in other words, an honestant did not commit the crime). So far, we don’t know whether he is an honestant or a swindlecant, nor whether he committed the crime or not. But we know that there are 4 possibilities as below:

Now we can see that whether he’s an honestant or a swindlecant, he didn’t commit the crime. And it rescued him.

P.S.: This brain teaser I copied from Brain Teasers ( Just on click on that link, then you’ll get more brain teasers to tease your brain or even just to ease your boring day. When you get stuck, you can visit brain teasers forum to get extra “clues” from them whom have tried to solve it (but for me, it’s better to do it by myself as I did in solving this quiz).

Friday, July 15, 2011

In the Court of Law #1

Other stories of honestants and swindlecants happened in the court of law. Here’s one of them.

this pic was taken from
A prisoner at the bar was allowed to say one sentence to defend himself. After a while he said,

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lion and Unicorn #2 (Solution)

this pic was taken from

Lion said, “Yesterday I was lying and two days after tomorrow I will be lying again.”
Which day did he say that?

To know what day he said that, let’s check his lying schedule first.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lion and Unicorn #2

Another day of Lion and Unicorn Episode.

Lion said, "Yesterday I was lying and two days after tomorrow I will be lying again."

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lion and Unicorn #1 (Solution)

Let’s review the situation give!

these pic were taken from

In a forest of forgetfulness, there were lion and unicorn. The lion lies every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and the other days he speaks the truth. The unicorn lies on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, however the other days of the week he speaks the truth.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Lion and Unicorn #1

Brain teasing time!!!

these pics were taken from

Alice came across a lion and a unicorn in a forest of forgetfulness. Those two are strange beings. The lion lies every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and the other days he speaks the truth. The unicorn lies on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, however the other days of the week he speaks the truth.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Pandora's Box #2 (Solution)

Have you got your answer? Let’s compare with mine.

It’s said that there are 3 inscriptions as follow:
  • Golden box: “The ring is not in the silver box.”
  • Silver box: “The ring is not in this box.”
  • Lead box: “The ring is in this box.”

And at least one inscription is true and at least one is false.

Once we read, those inscriptions seem telling us that the ring is hidden in the lead box (in case of all three inscriptions are right). As we know that there must be 1 true inscription and 1 false inscription, so that we can’t say that the ring “must be” in the lead box (but it “can be”).

Just like solving the first Pandora’s logic problem, we’ve got to know status of each inscription. There will be 6 possibilities as follow:
  • 2 inscriptions are true, 1 inscription is false (3 possibilities)

  • 1 inscriptions is true, 2 inscriptions are false (3 possibilities)

To know which possibility shows the fact, (just like in solving Pandora’s box #1, in this case) we’ve got to synchronize inscriptions in each possibility (and you’ve learn how to do it). Let’s see my work:

So, we’ve just known that the 1st possibility shows the fact, and that is:

  • Golden box: “The ring is not in the silver box.”
  • Silver box: “The ring is not in this box.”
  • Lead box: “The ring is not in this box.”
  • And the wedding ring is in the golden box.

This brain teaser I copied from Brain Teasers ( Just on click on that link, then you’ll get more brain teasers to tease your brain or even just to ease your boring day. When you get stuck, you can visit brain teasers forum to get extra “clues” from them whom have tried to solve it (but for me, it’s better to do it by myself as I did in solving this quiz).

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Pandora's Box #2

Still remember Pandora’s Box #1? This is the sequel.
Having solved the first logic problem given by Pandora, the Pandora’s husband wanna be have to solve the second problem.

At least one inscription is true and at least one is false.
  • Golden box: “The ring is not in the silver box.”
  • Silver box: “The ring is not in this box.”
  • Lead box: “The ring is in this box.”

Where’s the ring hidden?

P.S.: This brain teaser I copied from Brain Teasers ( Just on click on that link, then you’ll get more brain teasers to tease your brain or even just to ease your boring day. When you get stuck, you can visit brain teasers forum to get extra “clues” from them whom have tried to solve it (but for me, it’s better to do it by myself as I did in solving this quiz).

Friday, July 08, 2011

Pandora's Box #1 (Solution)

Have you got your answer? Let’s compare with mine.

Here we got 3 inscriptions which only 1 or none of them is true. To know where the wedding ring is hidden, we’ve got to know first which inscription is true and which one is false. There are 4 possibilities for that:

If the inscription is true, just read as it’s written. But if it’s false, we’ve got to negate it by adding “not” (if it’s a positive sentence) or deleting “not” (if it’s a negative sentence). Then, synchronize those three inscriptions. If they aren’t synchronic, delete that possibility. But if they are, then you’ll know where the wedding ring is.

So, we’ll know that the fact is:
  • Golden box: “The ring is not in this box.”
  • Silver box: “The ring is in this box.”
  • Lead box: “The ring is not in the golden box.”
  • And the wedding ring is in the silver box.

This brain teaser I copied from Brain Teasers ( Just on click on that link, then you’ll get more brain teasers to tease your brain or even just to ease your boring day. When you get stuck, you can visit brain teasers forum to get extra “clues” from them whom have tried to solve it (but for me, it’s better to do it by myself as I did in solving this quiz).

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Pandora's Box #1

This logic problem (brain teaser) named Pandora’s Box.

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Pandora, who wanted a bright groom so she made up a few logic problems for the wannabe. This is one of them.

Based upon the inscriptions on the boxes (none or just one of them is true), choose one box where the wedding ring is hidden.

  • Golden box: “The ring is in this box.”
  • Silver box: “The ring is not in this box.”
  • Lead box: “The ring is not in the golden box.”

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Einstein's Riddles: Ships (Solution)

Have you got your answer? Let’s compare with mine.

Just like Neighbors (another Einstein’s riddle), we have 5 groups which each group has 5 different variables. In this case, there are 5 ships anchored in a port. Each ship comes from different country and has different time departure, kind of loads, color of chimney, and destination.

Based on the clue, we can draw as below:

We’ll see that the ship which goes to Port Said is the 5th one, while the ship which carries tea is the 1st one.

This brain teaser I copied from Brain Teasers ( Just on click on that link, then you’ll get more brain teasers to tease your brain or even just to ease your boring day. When you get stuck, you can visit brain teasers forum to get extra “clues” from them whom have tried to solve it (but for me, it’s better to do it by myself as I did in solving this quiz).

3 Coins in My Life

I always say to myself not to fall in vain (I don’t mean that I plan to fall, what I mean is that I might fall though I’ve set everything up to step up stairs). Pick something good from every fall. In this fall, I’ve found 3 coins. These are not ordinary coins you know. I’ve given each a name. And each of them recalls my memory about lessons I’ve got from this fall.

Coin #1 called “Chances”. In life, there’ll always be chances. Chances to do and make something new, chances to do anything you want to, chances to reach your dream, chances to achieve what others say impossible. Each chance may come in different or same time (at one time, you may find only one chance or more). But one thing for sure, each chance only comes once in your life. Once you waste it, you’ll never get it back (just like time, you never could turn it back). If you think you find it twice, you’ve got to know that they’re (first and second chances) the different chances which seem similar.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

If One Day (For A Friend)

If one day you feel like crying..
Call me.
I don't promise that I'll make you laugh,
But I can cry with you.

If one day you wanna run away..
Don't be afraid to call me.
I don't promise to ask you to stop..
But I can run with you.

If one day you don't wanna listen to anyone..
Call me.
I promise to be there for you.
And I promise to be very quiet.

But If one day you call..
And there is no answer..
Come fast to see me.
Perhaps I need you.
(Perhaps I'm not around anymore)


Einstein's Riddles: Ships

This is a not-too-difficult brain teaser, another Einstein’s-Riddle, you can play to tease your brain. You should try it!

Situation: There are 5 ships in a port.


  1. The Greek ship leaves at six and carries coffee.
  2. The ship in the middle has a black chimney.
  3. The English ship leaves at nine.
  4. The French ship with a blue chimney is to the left of a ship that carries coffee.
  5. To the right of the ship carrying cocoa is a ship going to Marseille.
  6. The Brazilian ship is heading for Manila.
  7. Next to the ship carrying rice is a ship with a green chimney.
  8. A ship going to Genoa leaves at five.
  9. The Spanish ship leaves at seven and is to the right of the ship going to Marseille.
  10. The ship with a red chimney goes to Hamburg.
  11. Next to the ship leaving at seven is a ship with a white chimney.
  12. The ship on the border carries corn.
  13. The ship with a black chimney leaves at eight.
  14. The ship carrying corn is anchored next to the ship carrying rice.
  15. The ship to Hamburg leaves at six.

Questions: Which ship goes to Port Said? Which ship carries tea?

This brain teaser I copied from Brain Teasers ( Just on click on that link, then you’ll get more brain teasers to tease your brain or even just to ease your boring day. When you get stuck, you can visit brain teasers forum to get extra “clues” from them whom have tried to solve it (but for me, it’s better to do it by myself as I did in solving this quiz).