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Sunday, September 11, 2011


Painted by Fajri Umami on July 23, 2010

It's my 1st painting since have been graduated from High School (2006). I created it at library in my  University in leisure time (just needed less than 45 minutes to finish). 

That's a painting of a bear paw. Why paw? Coz I love bear (especially Brother Bear movie). On that movie, there's a scene when Kenai (in the form of bear) print his hand on a cave wall, then (another moment) he (in the form of human) touch the paw-print. I imagine myself doing the same (touch a paw-print) and I can feel a "new spirit" come into me (I don't know why how it works, it just happens). That's what I call "transformation". 

When I feel lack of spirit, "transforming" is one of alternatives I'd choose.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pain, Is It All Bad?

Two days ago I noticed a point of Pharmacotherapy lecturing that my lecturer told in front of class. It’s about emesis (vomiting).

“Emesis on a pregnant woman may be disturbing and annoying, but it’s not all bad coz we can see it as an ‘alert’ for the new mom-wanna-be to take more care of her health, especially in eating. She may eat something which not good for her fetus (she doesn’t realize it), then it physiologically rejected….”

Those statements tempted me to write this note.

The point I got from those statements is that something which you feel disturbing and annoying (all bad) may be not that bad. So may pain.


Pain, What Is It Anyway?
We can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch coz we’re given built-in senses to do it all. Other senses include hunger, thirst, temperature, proprioception, spatial, time, and visceral sensations… and pain. The last one sounds bad. I think everyone knows how it feels and I doubt that somebody likes it.

Pain is an unpleasant sensation caused by noxious stimulation of the sensory nerve endings. It is a subjective feeling and an individual response to the cause. Pain may be mild or severe, chronic, acute, lancinating, burning, dull, or sharp, precisely or poorly localized, or referred.

People in Pain
Everyone gives different respond –verbally and nonverbally– for each pain like self-protective (a narrowed focus that is indicated by an altered time perception, withdrawal from social contact, or impaired thought processes), distraction behavior (marked by moaning, crying, pacing, restlessness, or the seeking out of other people or activities), a facial mask of pain (recognized by eyes that appear dull and lusterless, a 'beaten' look, and fixed or scattered facial movements or grimace), alteration in muscle tone (ranging from listlessness to rigidity); and autonomic responses to increasing pain (including diaphoresis, changes in blood pressure and pulse rate, pupillary dilation, and an increased or decreased rate of respiration). What about you?

Nowadays, many people seem fragile (I heard many stories from mom about how good people-in-the-past managing pain – they’re tough). It recalls my memory to my childhood when I used to cry and couldn’t stand up after falling until my dad carried me up, though it’s only for the lightest injury (oh! how spoiled I was). But now I’m no longer that spoiled of course.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Mengenalkan Internet pada Anak

Salam, Moms & Sis!
Wah, ketemu lagi di parenting session dengan topik Internet Sehat. Kali ini ada info apa saja, ya? Let’s check it out!

Well, setelah kita memahami pentingnya memperkenalkan anak pada kemajuan teknologi dalam penyampaian dan perolehan informasi melalui internet, sekarang muncul pertanyaan “bagaimana cara memperkenalkan internet pada anak”?

Salah satu pertimbangan penting dalam memperkenalkan internet pada anak adalah usia anak. Dengan memilih cara yang sesuai dengan pola pikir anak pada masing-masing rentang usia, akan lebih mudah bagi Moms & Sis untuk memperkenalkannya.

Berikut ada info penting bagi Moms & Sis mengenai cara memperkenalkan internet pada anak berdasarkan usia mereka (dikutip dari ICT Watch, dapat diakses pada


Pada usia ini, anak harus didampingi oleh orang tua atau orang dewasa. Melakukan surfing bersama orang tua adalah hal yang terbaik. Hal tersebut bukan sekedar persoalan keselamatan anak, tetapi juga untuk meyakinkan bahwa anak tersebut bisa mendapatkan pengalaman yang menyenangkan sekaligus memperkuat ikatan emosional antara sang anak dengan orang tua.

Sejak masuk usia ketiga, beberapa anak akan mendapatkan keuntungan jika mendapatkan lebih banyak kebebasan untuk melakukan eksplorasi, menemukan pengalaman baru dan belajar dari kesalahan yang dibuatnya sendiri. Hal tersebut bukan berarti mereka dibiarkan menggunakan Internet secara bebas. Orang tua harus memberikan penjelasan mengenai aktivitas apa saja yang terjadi di internet, situs yang bermanfaat dan tidak boleh diakses, serta ancaman yang berpotensi dihadapi.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Ber-Internet di Tengah Keluarga

Internet Sehat: Pedoman Keluarga dan Orangtua

Hello, Moms & Sis!
How’s your day?

Sekarang makin sering kita lihat dan dengar informasi di berbagai media, baik cetak maupun elektronik tentang bahaya penggunaan internet, terutama terhadap anak-anak. Tentang cyber bullying, akses situs-situs yang mengandung konten dewasa oleh anak-anak di bawah umur, penipuan yang berawal dari perkenalan di dunia maya, dan sebagainya. Tentu saja ini menjadi salah satu fokus kekhawatiran bagi moms & sis yang tidak menginginkan hal serupa terjadi pada anak dan adik-adik kita.

Untuk menghindari efek negatif dari penggunaan internet, sebagian moms & sis memilih untuk menjauhkan anak dari internet. Apakah itu tepat? Saya pikir itu keputusan yang kurang bijaksana mengingat upaya menjauhkan anak dari internet berarti juga menjauhkan anak dari kesempatan untuk memperoleh nilai-nilai positif dari internet itu sendiri. Tak bisa dipungkiri bahwa selain pemberitaan negatif tentang dampak penggunaan internet, masih banyak hal positif yang dapat kita peroleh dari internet, termasuk bacaan yang Moms & Sis baca saat ini.

Jadi, bagaimana cara melindungi anak dari efek negatif internet tanpa harus menjauhkan mereka dari nilai-nilai positif ber-internet?

Ada beberapa tips nih dari ICT Watch (
  1. Pertama, jika di rumah kita ada anak di bawah umur, gunakan Internet bersama dengan anggota keluarga lain yang lebih dewasa. Tempatkan komputer di ruang keluarga atau di tempat yang mudah diawasi oleh kita. Jika diperlukan, berilah penjadwalan/pembatasan waktu untuk anak dalam menggunakan Internet.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Bad Situation

Bad situation:
Avoid before it happens,
Fix when it's already happened.
~Fajri Umami

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Tarzan Trashing the Camp

Phil Collins [Featuring 'N Sync] - Trashin' The Camp (Studio Sessions)

12 Tips Berkomputer Sehat

  1. Gunakan kursi yang secara dinamis dapat diatur tinggi-rendah dan senderan punggungnya.
  2. Posisi monitor bagian paling atas setidaknya setinggi 5-8 cm di atas arah pandang mata.
  3. Untuk menghindari efek silau dari layar monitor, bisa gunakan filter atau pelindung anti-silau.
  4. Duduklah dengan jarak sekitar satu rentangan tangan dari monitor.
  5. Kaki harus dapat menjejak pada lantai atau pada pijakan kaki yang stabil.
  6. Jika menggunakan alat pemegang/penjepit dokumen, tingginya samakan dengan layar monitor.
  7. Antara siku dan pergelangan tangan sejajar dan lurus saat menggunakan keyboard/mouse.
  8. Lengan dan siku berada dalam posisi santai dekat dengan tubuh Anda.
  9. Monitor dan keyboard posisikan di tengah hadapan Anda.
  10. Gunakan keyboard yang memiliki bagian pengungkit di bawahnya untuk mengatur posisi.
  11. Gunakan alas kerja atau meja yang stabil dan tidak goyah.
  12. Sesekali lakukan istirahat pendek dengan berdiri, perenggangan dan melihat arah lain.

Semoga bermanfaat . (^_^)

On My Way

Friday, September 02, 2011

Belajar Hidup

Saat semua menjadi lemah,
harus ada yang bersedia mengambil peran sebagai yang kuat,
untuk menguatkan yang lain…

Saat semua mengumbar amarah,
harus ada yang mau menjernihkan hati dan menjadi penyejuk,
untuk mengembalikan kedamaian bagi semua…

Saat semua mengeluh tentang kekurangan,
harus ada yang meneladankan kebersyukuran atas semua yang diperoleh,
untuk mengajarkan keikhlasan…

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Caught in a War

Being caught in a war/conflict or difficult situation is something I never want to imagine. But here I am, playing as the third person out of the story – the observer.

How it feels? Though I’m just an observer, I’m not comfort with it, especially if it happens to my closest (whether it's between parents, parents-children, siblings, or friends, I'd rather to talk generally). Just like what Cera said in The Mad Song (The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze):

When your tummy feels all sticky and hot
Like it's filled with bubbly goo
And those fuzzy, buzzy things inside your head
Make you sad and blue

I’m, a melancholic girl with ratio of logic vs feeling = 2 : 3, tend to see this situation emotionally. (Apparently, it depends on the degree of complexity and tension of situation. For this case, in the range of 0 – 10 of scale, I mark it 8.5).  

If only a slap can wake up someone’s awareness, I’d do what this hand urges.

But in the meantime, the angel part of me whispering that negative feeling never bear good things, it worsens situations instead.

… Unfortunately, life never be that simple. A slap never exist in any prescription for “heart”-disease therapy. If it does exist, that’s irrational prescription.

Who Moved My Cheese? (Part 11-end)

As Haw enjoyed the New Cheese, he reflected on what he had learned.

He realized that when he had been afraid to change he had been holding on to the illusion of Old Cheese that was no longer there.

So what was it that made him change? Was it the fear of starving to death?

Haw smiled as he thought it certainly helped.

Then he laughed and realized that he had started to change as soon as he had learned to laugh at himself and at what he had been doing wrong. He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own folly—then you can let go and quickly move on.

He knew he had learned something useful about moving on from his mice friends, Sniff and Scurry.

They kept life simple. They didn't overanalyze or overcomplicate things. When the situation changed and the Cheese had been moved, they changed and moved with the Cheese. He would remember that.

Haw had also used his wonderful brain to do what Little people do better than mice.

He envisioned himself—in realistic detail—finding something better—much better.

He reflected on the mistakes he had made in the past and used them to plan for his future. He knew that you could learn to deal with change.

You could be more aware of the need to keep things simple, be flexible, and move quickly.

You did not need to overcomplicate matters or confuse yourself with fearful beliefs.

You could notice when the little changes began so that you would be better prepared for the big change that might be coming.

He knew he needed to adapt faster, for if you do not adapt in time, you might as well not adapt at all.

He had to admit that the biggest inhibitor to change lies within yourself, and that nothing gets better until you. change.

Perhaps most importantly, he realized that there is always New Cheese out there whether you recognize it at the time, or not. And that you are rewarded with it when you go past your fear and enjoy the adventure.

He knew some fear should be respected, as it can keep you out of real danger. But he realized most of his fears were irrational and had kept him from changing when he needed to.

He didn't like it at the time, but he knew that the change had turned out to be a blessing in disguise as it led him to find better Cheese.

He had even found a better part of himself.

As Haw recalled what he had learned, he thought about his friend Hem. He wondered if Hem had read any of the sayings Haw had written on the wall at Cheese Station C and throughout the Maze.

Had Hem ever decided to let go and move on?

Had he ever entered the Maze and discovered what could make his life better?

Or was Hem still hemmed in because he would not change?

Who Moved My Cheese? (Part 10)

He used to believe that Cheese should never be moved and that change wasn't right.

Now he realized it was natural for change to continually occur, whether you expect it or not.

Change could surprise you only if you didn't expect it and weren't looking for it.

When he realized he had changed his beliefs, he paused to write on the wall:

Haw hadn't found any Cheese yet, but as he ran through the Maze, he thought about what he had already learned.

Haw now realized that his new beliefs were encouraging new behaviors. He was behaving differently than when he kept returning to the same cheeseless station.

He knew that when you change what you believe, you change what you do.

You can believe that a change will harm you and resist it. Or you can believe that finding New Cheese will help you and embrace the change.

It all depends on what you choose to believe.

He wrote on the wall:

Who Moved My Cheese? (Part 9)

Haw decided to go back and see if Hem was ready to join him.

As he retraced his steps, he stopped and wrote on the wall:
After a while Haw made his way back to Cheese Station C and found Hem.

He offered Hem bits of New Cheese, but was turned down.

Hem appreciated his friend's gesture but said, "I don't think I would like New Cheese. It's not what I'm used to. I want my own Cheese back and I'm not going to change until I get what I want."

Haw just shook his head in disappointment and reluctantly went back out on his own. As he returned to the farthest point he had reached in the Maze, he missed his friend, but realized he liked what he was discovering. Even before he found what he hoped would be a great supply of New Cheese, if ever, he knew that what made him happy wasn't just having Cheese.

He was happy when he wasn't being run by his fear. He liked what he was doing now. Knowing this. Haw didn't feel as weak as he did when he stayed in Cheese Station C with no Cheese. Just realizing he was not letting his fear stop him, and knowing that he had taken a new direction, nourished him and gave him strength.

Now he felt that it was just a question of time before he found what he needed. In fact, he sensed he had already found what he was looking for. He smiled as he realized:

Haw realized again, as he had once before, that what you are afraid of is never as bad as what you imagine. The fear you let build up in your mind is worse than the situation that actually exists.

He'd been so afraid of never finding New Cheese that he didn't even want to start looking.

But since starting his journey, he had found enough Cheese in the corridors to keep him going. Now he looked forward to finding more. Just looking ahead was becoming exciting.

His old thinking had been clouded by his worries and fears. He used to think about not having enough Cheese, or not having it last as long as he wanted.

He used to think more about what could go wrong than what could go right.

But that had changed in the days since he had left Cheese Station C.

He used to believe that Cheese should never be moved and that change wasn't right.

Now he realized it was natural for change to continually occur, whether you expect it or not.

Who Moved My Cheese? (Part 8)

Before long, he knew why he felt good.

He stopped to write again on the wall:

Haw realized he had been held captive by his own fear. Moving in a new direction had freed him. Now he felt the cool breeze that was blowing in this part of the Maze and it was refreshing. He took in some deep breaths and felt invigorated by the movement. Once he had gotten past his fear, it turned out to be more enjoyable than he once believed it could be.

Haw hadn't felt this way for a long time. He had almost forgotten how much fun it was to go for it.

To make things even better. Haw started to paint a picture in his mind again.

He saw himself in great realistic detail, sitting in the middle of a pile of all his favorite cheeses—from Cheddar to Brie!

He saw himself eating the many cheeses he liked, and he enjoyed what he saw. Then he imagined how much he would enjoy all their great tastes.

Who Moved My Cheese? (Part 7)

When he went inside, however, he was most disappointed to discover that the Cheese Station was empty.

"This empty feeling has happened to me too often," he thought. He felt like giving up. Haw was losing his physical strength. He knew he was lost and was afraid he would not survive.

He thought about turning around and heading back to Cheese Station C. At least, if he made it back, and Hem was still there, Haw wouldn't be alone.

Then he asked himself the same question again, "What would I do if I weren't afraid?"

Haw thought he was past his fear, but he was afraid more ofren than he liked to admit, even to himself. He wasn't always sure what he was afraid of, but, in his weakened condition, he knew now he was simply fearful of going on alone. Haw didn't know it, but he was running behind because he was still weighed down by fearful beliefs.

Haw wondered if Hem had moved on, or if he was still paralyzed by his own fears. Then, Haw remembered the times when he had felt his best in the Maze. It was when he was moving along.

He wrote on the wall, knowing it was as much a reminder to himself as it was a marking for his friend Hem, hopefully, to follow:

Haw looked down the dark passageway and was aware of his fear. What lay ahead? Was it empty?

Or worse, were there dangers lurking? He began to imagine all kinds of frightening things that could happen to him. He was scaring himself to death.

Then he laughed at himself. He realized his fears were making things worse.

Who Moved My Cheese? (Part 6)

He decided he would stay more alert from now on. He would expect change to happen and look for it. He would trust his basic instincts to sense when change was going to occur and be ready to adapt to it.

He stopped for a rest and wrote on the wall of the Maze:

He thought about it.

He knew sometimes some fear can be good.

When you are afraid things are going to get worse if you don't do something, it can prompt you into action. But it is not good when you are so afraid that it keeps you from doing anything.

He looked to his right, to the part of the Maze where he had never been, and felt the fear.

Then, he took a deep breath, turned right into the Maze, and jogged slowly, into the unknown.

As he tried to find his way. Haw worried, at first, that he might have waited too long in Cheese Station C. He hadn't had any Cheese for so long that he was now weak. It took him longer and it was more painful than usual to get through the Maze.

He decided that if he ever got the chance again, he would get out of his comfort zone and adapt to change sooner. It would make things easier.

Then, Haw smiled a weak smile as he thought, "Better late than never."

During the next several days, Haw found a little Cheese here and there, but nothing that lasted very long. He had hoped to find enough Cheese to take some back to Hem and encourage him to come out into the Maze.

Who Moved My Cheese? (Part 5)

Then, Haw stuck his head out and peered anxiously into the Maze. He thought about how he'd gotten himself into this cheeseless situation.

He had believed that there may not be any Cheese in the Maze, or he may not find it. Such fearful beliefs were immobilizing and killing him.
Haw smiled. He knew Hem was wondering,

"Who moved my cheese?" but Haw was wondering, "Why didn't I get up and move with the Cheese, sooner?"

As he started out into the Maze, Haw looked back to where he had come from and felt its comfort. He could feel himself being drawn back into familiar territory—even though he hadn't found Cheese here for some time.

Haw became more anxious and wondered if he really wanted to go out into the Maze. He wrote a saying on the wall ahead of him and stared at it for
some time:

He thought about it.

He knew sometimes some fear can be good.

When you are afraid things are going to get worse if you don't do something, it can prompt you into action. But it is not good when you are so afraid that it keeps you from doing anything.

He looked to his right, to the part of the Maze where he had never been, and felt the fear.

Then, he took a deep breath, turned right into the Maze, and jogged slowly, into the unknown.

As he tried to find his way. Haw worried, at first, that he might have waited too long in Cheese Station C. He hadn't had any Cheese for so long that he was now weak. It took him longer and it was more painful than usual to get through the Maze.

He decided that if he ever got the chance again, he would get out of his comfort zone and adapt to change sooner. It would make things easier.

Then, Haw smiled a weak smile as he thought, "Better late than never." During the next several days, Haw found a little Cheese here and there, but nothing that lasted very long. He had hoped to find enough Cheese to take some back to Hem and encourage him to come out into the Maze.

But Haw didn't feel confident enough yet. He had to admit he found it confusing in the Maze.

Things seemed to have changed since the last time he was out here.

Just when he thought he was getting ahead, he would get lost in the corridors.

It seemed his progress was two steps forward and one step backward. It was a challenge, but he had to admit that being back in the Maze, hunting for Cheese, wasn't nearly as bad as he feared it might be.

As time went on he began to wonder if it was realistic for him to expect to find New Cheese. He wondered if he had bitten off more than he could chew.

Then he laughed, realizing that he had nothing to chew on at that moment.

Whenever he started to get discouraged, he reminded himself that what he was doing, as uncomfortable as it was at the moment, was in reality much better than staying in the Cheeseless situation. He was taking control, rather than simply letting things happen to him.

Then he reminded himself, if Sniff and Scurry could move on, so could he!

Later, as Haw looked back on things, he realized that the Cheese at Cheese Station C had not just disappeared overnight, as he had once believed.

The amount of Cheese that had been there toward the end had been getting smaller, and what was left had grown old. It didn't taste as good.

Mold may even have begun to grow on the Old Cheese, although he hadn't noticed it. He had to admit however, that if he had wanted to, he probably could have seen what was coming. But he didn't. Haw now realized that the change probably would not have taken him by surprise if he had been watching what was happening all along and if he had anticipated change. Maybe that's what Sniff and Scurry had been doing.

He decided he would stay more alert from now on. He would expect change to happen and look for it. He would trust his basic instincts to sense when change was going to occur and be ready to adapt to it.

(to be continued...)