“I love today because of at least 6 reasons,” that’s my closing words for yesterday. What a beautiful words. And it came across my mind after my friend’s too-late what’s-up-call.
Yesterday at 11.01 p.m. I had been sleeping. It was a tiring day for me. Physically and mentally drained. But, I still had to stay up all night for unfinished to-dos. I needed such a sound sleep to recharge my energy and refresh my mind. So I thought it’s okay if I continued my to-dos tomorrow. Time to sleep! Cheerio (+.+).
It was a 6-minutes-conversation-on-the-line. But for me, it’s not just that. It’s an extra energy for me to keep on fighting for my comprehensive exam. I needed it. Yeah. It’s a critical time for me heading up unpredicted coming problems. I don’t have to mention each, and I will not. The point I wanna share here is that no matter how bad something looks like in your eyes, there always be (a) nice thing(s) coming up to you. The nice thing may cover the bad one. Though it may not, it still gives you such an extra energy to support your fight.
She did it. A simple word “Semangat!” (means “keep fighting!”) recharged me. Not only that, but it also recalled me to 5 other nice things I got along yesterday. The nice thing #1 was my older sister’s call. We’re no longer have quarrels like we used to do when we were too young. Now we tend to share each problems and solve them together. “When we were too young, we might think about own selves as an individual. But when we’re already mature, we think about what can we do to make other better. That’s a sister/brotherhood”, that’s what I learned from her that day.
The nice thing #2 was my brother. “Make him comfort with you, and let it flow. He’ll come to you instead of trying hard to approach him”, that’s what I learned from him that day.
The nice thing #3 was my li’l sister. I saw she was doing her homework from school. Actually it’s not a personal homework, but the group one. Each groups consisted of 6 members. But for her group, only 2 were active, while the others were out of order. When her only one active partner had gone home, she continued by herself. There’s still much to do. I took pity of her. I just told her to prior her personal assignment above that group assignment. No one would replace you for your duty, but you have many hands for your group’s duty.
The nice things #4 and 5 were my parents. I knew that they’re not so fine at the time they said, “I’m getting well.” Many probs playing on their mind, while they physically drained by works. I knew that they never wanted their children worry about them. I could feel what they felt. I knew what’s there behind “I’m fine”. “You can’t hear what they don’t say, but you can feel what they feel. That’s family.”
And for a friend who had recalled those things on my mind, I massive thanks. You’re my #6 of nice things I got yesterday.
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